We have made it through a scorcher of a week here at Space Inclusive!
with the thermometer hitting record highs across the country, and Nottingham in particular in excess of over 38 Degrees, we tried our best to maintain our cool, and still have a wonderful time!
Across sites, an array of wonderful activities were had to try and keep us cool- including water fights in the garden, water balloon target practice, and chilling out under the AC with a film on!
As the weather started to cool, we headed to our plot at the St. Anns allotment to give our fruit and veg a well-deserved water! We were thrilled to see that they were able to beat the heat and stay intact! We were also able to add a little bit of color to our space by adding a lick of paint by creating some new signage for our plot, and digging trenches for our bulbs and plants to flourish!
(image description: Everybody has been working hard to keep our plot at the allotment watered, our bulbs planted, and our seedlings sewn to hopefully give us some wonderful crops!)
We have also been working hard on our creative skills, and the heatwave has served as inspiration for a fantastic poem by our resedent poet, S.V. about the heat, that perfectly encapsulates the feelings of the nation on the extreme weather!!
Heat Wave
We may love the summer weather,
And some might even be obsessive,
But we have such great heat right now
That it is incredibly oppressive.
So whilst it should be nice and pleasant
This heat is too extreme,
And the baking Sun we suffer here
Is the greatest we’ve ever seen.
We puff and pant and are soaked with sweat,
Thinking: ‘So how much hotter can this get?’
And ‘O, this heat I cannot bear…
I’d love to find some nice cool air’
In this heat wave we must all endure
We would even prefer the rain to pour
And we think, as it makes us so weary,
‘If only it was cooler we should be more cheery.’
(video description: our resident poet, S.V. performing his wonderful poem about the heatwave!)
And although we were just able to deal with the heat, we are very thankful that it seems to be cooling down again- and we look forward to more sunshine- that will hopefully be cooler this time!
How did you all bear up in the heat? do you have any tips on how to stay cool in warm weather?! we would love to hear your thoughts and suggestions! Let us know in the comments, and check back soon to see more updates on the amazing things we are up to!