Our Approach

Here at Space Inclusive, we pride ourselves on a person-centred approach to support, acknowledging that each and every client is unique and that a ‘one size fits all’ service does not work for many people.

In practice

In practice, this is reflected through an individual support plan which is completed with the client, their parents/carers and our skilled staff team. The support plan document is comprehensive, enabling us to offer tailored support to our clients that meets their ongoing needs, through target setting, planned activities and opportunities for progression.

We Strive

We strive to promote four main areas when target setting, purposeful to each client’s individual journey.

These are Social Inclusion, Health and Wellbeing, Independence and Self Realisation.

Example of one of our clients current targets:

‘For Richard to be encouraged to use signs and symbols at the end of sessions, to help establish his enjoyment for the activities he participates in.’

Why is this target important for Richard?

Richard can struggle with communicating his feelings. Using signs and symbols as part of his tailored support has been seen to aid Richard’s expressive communication and has been endorsed by Speech and Language.

The support plan is a working document and through a reviewing process, we ensure that any changes to support are recorded, with a commitment to keeping individuals support meaningful and targets focused.

Training and development is an integral part of ensuring that as a recognised social care provider, our standards are upheld and maintained to the highest degree. Our training programme is current, comprehensive and seeks to ensure that our staff team are practiced professionals and feel well-supported within their roles.

Much of our training is provided by our in-house trainer, who develops and delivers innovative training, made meaningful by the use of real examples through our own experiences at Space Inclusive. Mandatory training such as Safeguarding Adults at Risk, Positive Behaviour Support, Epilepsy Awareness and Equality Diversity and Inclusion, are just a few of the programmes provided. 

Additionally, we support our entire staff team with access to an online training portal, which gives us a flexible approach to learning and enables staff to not only access training mandatory to their roles including the Care Certificate, but also additional CPD. 

In addition to our training programme, we are a company dedicated to development and always seek to improve our service delivery.  Our Quality Assurance Manager is responsible for ensuring that our ways of working are compliant with up to date social care practices whilst also tailoring documents so our clients can be a part of their own support. 


Positive Behaviour Support

PBS is a person-centred framework for supporting children and adults with learning disabilities and/or autism, who have, or may be at the risk of developing challenging behaviours. It is a multi-component, personalised system of support that aims to enhance the quality of life for the client as well as those supporting them.

As part of our training provision, our PBS Lead (BILD accredited) supports our staff team through their participation in PBS workshops. Together they explore behaviours specific to our clients and relate these to the values that underpin PBS.

It is recognised that all behaviours have a meaning and Positive Behaviour Support aims to understand what behaviours of concern tell us so that the client’s needs can be better met.
We at Space Inclusive utilise the PBS framework, to aid us in providing the right support at the right time, for our clients to thrive and reach their potential.

Essential Autism – NAS Licensed User

We at Space Inclusive are a provider of the ‘Essential Autism’ course, licensed and accredited by the National Autistic Society. 

This training is delivered internally by our in- house trainer, who made an application to the National Autistic Society, outlining her experiences and knowledge of autism to enable her to be accepted onto the framework for delivery. This training is now offered to our entire staff team, further supporting our commitment and knowledge when supporting autistic adults who access Space Inclusive. 

Some of the outcomes that are explored in the training are:

  • Recognising the different experiences and communication needs of autistic people.
  • Challenging stereotypes and promoting individuality.
  • Encouraging staff to review their current approaches  when supporting autistic people.